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יהודה כץ והמעגל קול שמחה - קאבר

Yehuda Katz & Hama’agal – Kol Simcha

Deep into the unusual wedding season we find ourselves in, singer Yehuda Katz is releasing a brand new single called Kol Simcha, dedicated to all of those couples, including soldiers, who are choosing to get married now while the war goes on. The composition of the melody itself Yehuda was[…]

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עטיפה ניגון אשלג

Yaakov Rothblatt Presents: The Great Chassidic Singers Renewing The Hit “Nigun Ashlag”

In a large and well-invested production, the musician Yaakov Rothblatt, the great chasidic singers Areleh Samet, Shlomi Eskel, Mendy Weiss, Yissachar Guttman, Yedidim International Choir and the children’s choir ‘Yingerlich‘, conducted by Shimon Chaim Lichtman, in an immersive and well-invested joint project with the best musicians, They are renewing the[…]

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