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Six13 – L’maancha / Ki Karov (an Eitan Katz medley)

Renowned acapella group Six13 just released an homage to two of our favorite “kumsitz” style songs and their timeless, talented composer, Eitan Katz!

Music by Eitan Katz
“L’maancha” lyrics from Yom Kippur evening service
“Ki Karov” lyrics from Deuteronomy 30:14
Arranged by Mayta Cohen
Vocals performed and recorded by Carl Haber, Lior Melnick, Craig Resmovits, Nathaniel Ribner, Josh Sauer and Mordy Weinstein
Lead vocals performed by Mordy Weinstein and Craig Resmovits
Edited by Mel Daneke
Mixed by Ed Boyer
Produced by Mordy Weinstein
Additional production by Mike Boxer
Graphic design by Mike Boxer and Mordy Weinstein

Special thanks to Hashem, our loving families, all our incredible audio and video production staff, our alumni, our amazing fans, all of our music teachers, Mike Howard, and the incredible Eitan Katz.

Six13 is:
Mike Boxer | Carl Haber | Aaron Kohl
Lior Melnick | Chaim Moskowitz | Craig Resmovits
Nathaniel Ribner | Josh Sauer | Mordy Weinstein

©️ 2023 Six13



(L’MAANCHA / למענך)

L’maancha Elokeinu, aseh velo lanu
למענך אלקינו עשה ולא לנו
Act for Your own sake, our G-d, and not for ours

Re’eh amidatenu, dalim vereikim
ראה עמידתנו דַלים ורקים
Behold our position, impoverished and empty

Haneshamah lach, vehaguf po’olach
הנשמה לך והגוף פעלך
The soul is Yours, and the body is Your work

Chusah al amalach
חוסה על עמלך
Have compassion on Your labor

(KI KAROV / כי־קרוב)

Ki karov eilecha hadavar m’od
כי־קרוב אליך הדבר מאד
It is within your close reach to follow the word of Torah

B’ficha u’vil-vavcha la-asoto
בפיך ובלבבך לעשתו
In speech, in feeling and in deeds