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Yitzy Kaplowitz - When

Yitzy Kaplowitz With A New Single “When”

When is my heartfelt tefillah for the RBS”O to have rachmanus on his beloved children and allow us to be united through the ultimate redemption. Please join me in beseeching our Heavenly Father to bring an end to our galus b’karov!!

The the horrific murder of 11 kedoshim at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh was a startling reminder to the American Jewish community of our vulnerability in the medina shel chesed. To most this was an eye opening experience, a stark reminder that we are still in galus. Sadly these types of events are nothing new, as Klal Yisrael has experienced persecution and suffering throughout our nearly 2000 years in galus.

We all long for the day for WHEN we will no longer experience suffering and loss, a time of eternal peace, a time WHEN we will be zoche to join together in Yerushalayim habenuyah in the shadows of the rebuilt Beis Hamikdash bmheirah byameinu.

Composition and Lyrics Yitzy K
Produced by Yitzy K and Yaakov Englander/Bluedoor Studios
Vocals and Acoustic Guitar: Yitzy K
Electric and Slide Guitars: Ziv Shalev and Nachman Dryer
Bass: Yaakov Englander
Drums: Tzuriel Fenigstein