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ר' מרדכי גוטליב - 'שַׁאבֶּע'ס בַּיי נַאכְט' עטיפה

From The New Album of R’ Mordechai Gottlieb: Shabbos Bei Nacht

This is without a doubt one of the most exciting and surprising songs to be released lately, and perhaps the crowning glory of the album Galui Veyadua, which was released recently by composer R’ Mordechai Gottlieb. The album has 11 spectacular songs, arranged by Zevi Fried. The album was also worked on by musical personalities such as Yehuda Galili, Yoeli Dickman, Eli Laufer, Moishy Roth, Yitzy Berry and Eli Klein, Benny Laufer, Shira Choir, R’ Hershel Brisk, the Yiddish Nachas children’s choir, and R’ Gadi Pugatch.