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Shulem Brodt, The Malchus Choir & Mona Rosenblum in London: “Gam Ki Eilech!”

To the cheers of the thousands that filled the London Hilton’s event hall, the child prodigy Shulem Brodt from the United States performed the legendary “Gam Ki Eilech” from MBD, but this time … he also accompanied himself musically by playing the keyboard!

Next to him on the stage is the Malchuts Choir, conducted by Pinchas Bichler, who conducted the musical production of the Siyum HaShas and a dinner by the international organization A TIME.

The rest of the stage consisted of an orchestra of fifty musicians under the musical direction of the talented Mona Rosenblum.

Production: Pinchas Bichler
Mix: Haim Mozes
Editing: Hershey Segal