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Purim Zamru – Klatzko Family Original Song

The streets were filled with singing and dancing! The Jewish nation had been saved by another Amalekite, the wicked Haman. With the slow and careful build up and preparation for events to come, Vashti was killed, Esther became queen and Mordechai discovered the plot of Bigsan and Seresh. When Haman finally hatched his plot to murder every Jewish person in the world, Hashem had already set him up for his ultimate fall. This song begins slowly and builds to a frenzied climax, in the way the Megilah builds towards the hanging of Haman and his ten sons. Zamru L’Malkeinu, let us sing to our king, THE KING, who demonstrated that, although sometimes hidden, His reign is absolute and He is the one and true Hashem. Singing are Rabbi Benzion Klatzko as well as his two youngest sons, Luzy and Meyer.

Rabbi Klatzko and the Klatzko family are honored by all the wonderful feedback and comments we have received throughout the years about our music and videos. We hope to continue spreading the light and love and Torah throughout the coming years! Purim Sameach! The Klatzko Family

Purim Zamru – פורים זמרו
Performed by Benzion, Luzy and Meyer Klatzko
Composed by Benzion Klatzko
Music by Yisrael Ament
Video by Yitzi Klatzko is the world’s largest Jewish social network, an organization consisting of a global social media platform and app that assists people to find places for Shabbos, Shidduchim, Jobs, and Chevrusas. is active in 220 countries.

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