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Hatov Ki Lo Chalu – Moshe Katz

An inspiring mashup of 2 powerful songs with 1 important message. Thank you Hashem for all the goodness you bring us! From the biggest moments to the smallest details of our lives we thank you Hashem. כי מעולם קוינו לך – no matter how dark it may seem at times, we can forever rely on Hashem to turn things around, for we know his mercy and kindness are truly never ending.

Moshe Katz is a renowned kumzitzer known for his soulful voice and ability to ignite a crowd. Always with a hartzig niggun and Carelbach story at the ready, Moshe has a way of sweeping his audience into the depth of a song.

This release is dedicated to our child soloist Shimon Stern’s twin sister Chaya Malka bas Bas-Sheva. Wishing her a speedy and full recovery.

Streaming Everywhere:

Composed by: R’ Shlomo Carlebach and R’ Bentzion Schenker
Produced by: Yitzy Berry & Eli Klein
Electric Guitar: Avi Singolda
Bass: Nachman Helbit
Flute: Dor Asaruf
Child Soloist: Shimon Stern
Choir: Moshe Katz, Shloimy Tress, Yehuda Greenberg, Chesky Cherny, Aharela Roth

Studio 6 – Yitzy Waldner
Edgware Studio – Gershy Schwartz
The Side Yard Studio
Kinor Studio

Video Produced by: Motti Berkowitz
Party Planner: Stern Events

Musicians On Screen:
Percussion: Yossi Berger
Drums: Yehuda Ellis
Flute: Chananya Konovitch
Electric Guitars: Dudi Berenbaum and Jack Nussbaum
Acoustic Guitars: Archi Rabi, Simcha Wienstock and Avrami Grynhaus (British Barber)