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Isaac & Rubenstein - Ashira L'Hashem

Isaac & Rubenstein – Ashira L’Hashem

A Jew in the midst of the Egyptian exile acknowledges Hashem is the all-powerful creator that can decide if we are free men or enslaved. “Hear my cry and let me be free..” He calls out to his father in heaven and prays for his redemption. Even though we may not merit salvation, we carried his name throughout the persecution despite the repercussions. “I carried you, won’t you carry me..”
The culmination of our miraculous journey comes with the redemption out of slavery into freedom, ‘Shira’ at the splitting of the sea and receiving the Torah. We are nothing short of believers, in Hashem and Moshe who serves him.

Dan Isaac and Binyomin Rubenstein have been creating and performing contemporary Jewish music around the world for over 10 years, mainly under the stage name of SHTAR, a renowned Jewish rock and hip-pop band. Their inspiring Jewish music project comes from an array of nigunim (songs), developed, recorded and produced by the pair in Israel.

Vocals, Instrumentation & Production: Dan Isaac & Binyomin Rubenstein
Original Melody: Binyomin Rubenstein
Lyrics: Jonathan Gordon and adapted by I&R
Violins: Jonathan Wachtel
Graphics: Dan Isaac