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Shimmy Shtauber Presents: Gefeel – A Shir V’shevach Boys Choir Kumzitz

After the success of their smash hit dance album Simcha Mitoch Simcha, and in response to the thousands of fans who’ve been clamoring non-stop for a new album in the series, the Shir V’shevach Boys Choir is back and better than ever with a stunning new kumzitz collection. Produced by Shimmy Shtauber and featuring fantastic recent hits along with a selection of classic oldies, this production is sure to uplift, entertain and inspire all, regardless of background or affiliation. Packed with full, rich musical orchestration, breathtaking solos, choirs and harmonies, master choir director Chaim Meir Fligman proves once again that he’s at the top of his game.
So kum, zitz, relax & enjoy!

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